The most epic and magnetic 6-month container for a unique group of hand-picked women who want to soften their self-leadership and create mastery in their lives without hustle and compromise!

SheEO Collective

I see you, six months from now. 

Where you explored your softness, learnt to lean back, asked for help, and let go of control. Where you finally found ease and peace within. Created deep and vulnerable connections with women on the same path as you. And deared to be everything you are, leading yourself with softness and authenticity.

SheEO Collective

Meet some of the women from previous SheEO Collective groups who are shifting from the masculine to the feminine and are part of the SheEO movement.

“When women come together, we heal.”
- Iselin, Founder of Poise

Sanna Johansson

“A while back, I asked myself if it is possible to live a balanced life while having a leadership role in corporate America. I decided that the answer was yes.

To achieve this, strengthening the feminine leadership of both myself and others was, and still is, essential for me. This is where the SheEO Collective came into my life. The experience of being guided by Iselin and connecting with the other women throughout the programme has given me a safe space to do this.

Living a life where having ambitions without compromising my own values and well-being is a change in progress and isn't always easy. To share the journey with other like-minded women provides unique support on this journey.

 If you are on a path of change and feminine leadership, I highly recommend joining the SheEO Collective.”

Sanna Johansson

Who is a SheEO?

🤌🏼 She trusts and leans in, not needing to control and micro-manage, so she no longer burns out or lives a high-stress, high-cortisole life.

🤌🏼 She can create her best life, make intentional choices, and live on her terms.

🤌🏼 She softens her leadership to lead with empathy, intuition and inspire others to do the same,creating an endless ripple effect of impact for her greater community and the world.

🤌🏼 She lives in full alignment with her values and mission, so her life feels meaningful and fulfilling, no longer prioritising work over life, family or relationships. 

🤌🏼 She values ‘being’ over ‘doing’, allowing her to slow down, be present, sensual and prioritise well-being. Living with integrity, high standards, boundaries, and clarity. 

🤌🏼 She lets herself be led. Knowing she doesn't have to build her vision alone, she is confident enough to take a step back and be supported.

🤌🏼 She finds strength in vulnerability, building authentic and deep connections that she craved all her life.

🤌🏼 She is responsible for her actions, with a grounded and clear connection of what is right and wrong for her.

Cathrine Delp

“The SheEO program has been a transformative journey. The highlight was a retreat in the beautiful Norwegian mountains, where we explored feminine energy, practised yoga, and built genuine connections.

I joined SheEO to find community, and I’ve met incredible women who inspire and support me. The exercises and interactions have deepened my self-awareness and understanding of my feminine energy.

I'm truly grateful for this experience. It is a powerful journey of self-discovery and empowerment. If you’re seeking connection and growth, SheEO is where you need to be!”

Cathrine Delp

Explore your six months
SheEO Collective journey.

expert womens empowerment coach

Monthly SheEO Group Mentoring + Focus Groups

Tune in to a 90-minute online mentor session, during which we will reflect, connect, and meditate. There will also be hot-seat mentoring and breakout room discussions. 

You will meet your fellow SheEO women in smaller groups every month to discuss and integrate our monthly topics. Here, you can meet in person or online; it's up to you!

SheEO Retreat

SheEO Retreat

Here, you will get to feel and embody what it means to be in your feminine energies. Iselin and her team will be your masculine container so that you can let go, relax and connect to your softness.

We will connect and have beautiful ceremonies, workshops, embodiment practices, movement meditation and yin yoga.

This is where you charge your batteries, eat healthy food, nourish yourself and go deep into what it means to be a SheEO, tapping into her feminine leadership. 

SheEO Essentials

Every month, you'll get access to a new module to deepen your understanding of soft, feminine leadership.

Diving into topics like living and leading from your values and authenticity, cyclical and feminine living, feminine leadership of yourself and others, balancing the feminine being and the masculine doing and much more!

You will have access to this course + the recordings from our group calls even after SheEO Collective ends, for one year in total.

SheEO Essentials

Katya Sivkova

“I recently participated in the SheEO Collective program, which was incredibly timely. Although I had already begun integrating the feminine aspect into my daily life, this program allowed me to delve even deeper. The calls provided a safe space where participants could openly discuss their struggles with balancing the feminine and masculine energies, especially as women in business. I learned immensely from the powerful reflection questions posed by Iselin and the enriching group discussions.

Our retreat was transformative, allowing us to fully embrace our feminine sides by letting go of control, trusting the process, and engaging deeply with effective tools and techniques for feminine leadership. I particularly enjoyed the exercises focused on activating the six senses, like yoga nidra and yin yoga practices. The women's circles were incredibly moving, offering a platform for everyone to share their challenges and dreams openly. It was profoundly impactful to connect with like-minded women and experience such deep bonds, all set in a beautiful, nature-surrounded retreat space.

Immense thanks to Iselin and the Poise team for creating such a nurturing environment and guiding us through this profound journey!”

Katya Sivkova

Meet Our Incredible Guest Speakers

  • Maria Lønnemo SheEO Guest Speaker

    Maria Lønnemo

    Maria is a professional coach and changemaker. She will teach us how we can implement change in our work-culture and lives in the most effective way. 

  • Camilia Berrada SheEO Guest Speaker

    Camilia Berrada

    Camilia is a vehicle for change. She is a worldwide CEO and leadership coach, helping leaders wake up and unleash inner freedom.

  • Camilla Elise Berg SheEO Guest speaker

    Camilla Elise Berg

    Camilla will guide us through integrating Feminine Leadership principles within the corporate realm, focusing on Inner Development.

  • Sara Uldal SheEO Guest speaker

    Sara Uldal

    Partner of 4-day week global. Sarah will teach us how to reduce our work week without affecting productivity or results! That's the SheEO way of living and working!

  • Claudia Menger SheEO Guest teacher

    Claudia Menger

    Claudia will teach us the power of Yoga Nidra. She is here to break the cycle of work hard, play hard and shift the narrative around Rest.

  • Cathrine Mathiesen SheEO Guest teacher

    Cathrine Mathiesen

    Cathrine works with womb wisdom, feminine yoga, and cycle awareness and will guide us through a beautiful Femnien Yoga Class.

womens leadership empowerment host

Meet Your Host, Iselin Larsen.

I am on a path. A path of mastery.

No more half-ass, half-way, ‘trying’ or hoping.

How deep can I love? How excellent can I become? As a partner, teacher, lover, friend, mentor, sister, mom, coach, leader and business owner? How present can I be? How grateful and mindful can I be? How fun can I make my life? How much can I play? How hard can I laugh? How sensual can I make every day? How much magic can I feel? How loving can my relationships be? How awesome can my life be?

This is the energy I’ve created for Poise’s flagship concept, SheEO Collective 🤌🏼.

For the women ready to thrive without compromise. To soften their leadership. To raise their standards. To master their life without hustle and grind.

Therefore, I’m calling on YOU who can feel this energy, the craving and calling for more.

But not by DOING more - by BEING more.

Ready for this vibe? Send in your application and I’ll get back to you soon!


  • Yes! Everything is covered except for the travel costs to the retreat, which will be held somewhere in Europe.

    The retreat is a key factor in SheEO, as his is where well meet in person, connect on a deeper level and embody feminine leadership on a new level.

  • No! SheEO is for the women ready to step into feminine self-leadership.

    It's for the entrepreneurs, thought leaders, leaders and women in the corporate space.

  • Join THIS waitlist to be notified about the next opening!

  • “A feeling of community in the feminine. A higher focus on creating space for myself in my everyday. A reminder that I need to figure out how to not take in everything around me but find better methods for grounding myself. I feel more observant and curious of my blind spots and look forward to see what new perspectives will come from that. Mixed group with very different starting points. Everyone feel open to each other and curious to get to know each other, which is a good start. Curious to see how the relations will develop. I don’t get strong bad vibes from anyone which I’m very very grateful for. Also really enjoyed the dynamic between Iselin and Ella.”


  • “Feeling more open to the unknown. Experiencing how much emotions and mentality shifts throughout the day when being a lot in the unknown, uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Spiritually - how much a card can stir up emotions. It feels good and nice, looking forward to getting to know each other better, as it takes me a while to feel completely comfortable, relaxed and safe.”


  • "I love that we are in different ages and life situations, and still can connect and communicate about core values and how we want to live our life. I also think that having the opportunity to connect and share with girls from other parts of the world gives me new perspectives.”
