Embrace Cyclical Living: Align with Your Menstrual, Moon, and Seasonal Rhythms

In the modern world, we often find ourselves disconnected from the natural rhythms of our bodies and the environment around us. Embracing cyclical living is about realigning with these natural cycles to enhance our well-being, productivity, and sense of harmony.

Women are cyclical beings, and being in tune with the cycles is an important part of tapping into you feminine energies.

This involves understanding our menstrual cycle and recognising the influence of the moon cycle and the changing seasons. Integrating these cycles into our daily lives can create a more balanced, sustainable, and fulfilling existence.

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is a powerful indicator of a woman's health and well-being. It has four phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal, also called inner winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Each phase has unique characteristics that affect our energy levels, mood, and overall functioning. By tuning into these phases, we can optimise our daily actions and lives, ensuring that we rest when needed and use our peak energy for demanding tasks.

For a detailed understanding of the menstrual cycle and practical tips on how to align your life with its phases, check out our Guide for Beginners.

The Moon Cycle

The moon has long been associated with feminine energy and the natural rhythms of life. Like the menstrual cycle, which lasts an average of 28 days, the moon cycle lasts 29.5 days and includes four main phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon.

  1. New Moon: This phase represents new beginnings and is an excellent time for setting intentions, starting new projects, and reflecting on goals.

  2. Waxing Moon: As the moon grows, so does our energy and motivation. This is a time for taking action, building momentum, and working towards our intentions.

  3. Full Moon: The full moon is a time of peak energy, illumination, and fruition. It's ideal for celebrating achievements, gaining insights, and practising gratitude.

  4. Waning Moon: As the moon diminishes, it's a time for releasing what no longer serves us, winding down projects, and focusing on self-care and reflection.

By aligning our activities with the moon phases, we can enhance our emotional and physical well-being, making our efforts more effective and fulfilling.

The Seasons

The changing seasons offer another layer of cyclical living, reflecting life's natural ebb and flow. Each season has distinct qualities influencing our energy, mood, and activities.

  1. Spring: A time of renewal and growth, spring is perfect for setting new goals, starting fresh projects, and embracing change.

  2. Summer: This season is associated with abundance, high energy, and social activities. It's a time for celebration, expansion, and taking bold actions.

  3. Autumn: As the days shorten, autumn invites us to harvest the fruits of our labour, reflect on our achievements, and prepare for winter.

  4. Winter: A season of rest and introspection, winter is ideal for slowing down, conserving energy, and engaging in deep reflection and planning.

By observing and honouring the natural rhythms of the seasons, we can align our lives more closely with the environment, fostering a deeper connection with nature and ourselves.

The Menstrual Cycle

Like the moon and nature’s seasons, the menstrual cycle is also divided into four phases, each with its own characteristics and effects on the body and mind.

  1. Menstrual Phase (Inner Winter): The cycle begins with menstruation and the shedding of the uterine lining. This phase is often accompanied by lower energy levels and a need for rest. It's a time to slow down, reflect, and conserve energy. Embracing this need for rest can prevent burnout and prepare us for the upcoming phases.

  2. Follicular Phase (Inner Spring): This phase starts on the first day after menstruation and continues until ovulation. During this phase, the body begins to rebuild the uterine lining, and estrogen levels rise. This increase in estrogen boosts energy, mood, and cognitive function, making it a great time for planning, socialising, and starting new projects.

  3. Ovulatory Phase (Inner Summer): Ovulation marks the midpoint of the cycle and is the phase when an egg is released from the ovary. This phase is characterised by peak energy levels, confidence, and sociability. It's an optimal time for high-energy activities, networking, and making important decisions.

  4. Luteal Phase (Inner Autumn): Following ovulation, the luteal phase prepares the body for a potential pregnancy. Progesterone levels rise, leading to increased body temperature and a gradual decline in energy. This phase often brings about symptoms like sore breasts, irritability, and fatigue. It's essential to listen to your body during this phase, allowing for rest and self-care.


Cyclical living is a holistic approach that embraces the natural rhythms of our bodies and the world around us. By aligning with the menstrual cycle, moon phases, and seasonal changes, we can create a more balanced, sustainable, and fulfilling life. This journey of self-discovery and harmony allows us to tap into our true potential, old wisdom and live in greater alignment with our natural selves.

For a more in-depth exploration of the menstrual cycle and how to incorporate it into your life, visit our Guide for Beginners. Embrace the magic of cyclical living and discover the deep impact it can have on your overall well-being.


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The Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle: A Guide for Beginners